Puppies need a series of shots to protect them against the terrible and widespread canine diseases that could kill them otherwise. Do not set your puppy on the ground in an area where unvaccinated dogs might have walked or defecated until all puppy shots are complete. This may seem extreme, but it is a serious warning! The precaution may save your puppy’s life! Many puppy socialization classes will not even accept a puppy until after the fourth shot for fear of these common and dreaded diseases. Meanwhile you can invite lots of people to your house or carry him to the park and keep him on your lap for socialization.
(Veterinarians may have slightly varying approaches to the series of puppy shots… due to living in different states or climates etc)
Six to ten weeks – DM (Distemper/Measles) Ten weeks – DHPP (Distemper/Hepatitis/Provirus/Para) 13 weeks – DHPP again 16 weeks – DHLPP (Leptospirosis added)/Rabies Vaccine 20 weeks – DHLPP/Bordatella (kennel cough)
Heartworm protection should start at 16wks. There are pills available for this. Ask your vet.
Young puppies almost always need at least one worming, and this probably was given to puppy by the breeder you received your puppy from. The veterinarian can tell whether your puppy has worms by examining a fecal (stool) sample under a microscope. Adult worms may be passed in the stool. Tapeworm segments are large and can be seen with the naked eye. They look like small grains of rice and may turn up in feces or crawling around your dog’s anus. Worms seriously compromise the health of your puppy and should be taken care of as soon as possible! Your vet will give you everything you need to de-worm your puppy! Signs of worms could be–Dry coat, swollen belly, and of course worms in his stool.
After your puppy’s first shots and worming you will have follow up visits for the rest of the series of puppy shots, and then you will need to be sure your dog is given the following:
At twelve months old, he will receive a 1 year rabies shot, and at 24 months he will receive a 3 year rabies shot. Your puppy must have a rabies shot in order to get a dog license, which is required by law. Your vet will give you papers stating that your puppy/dog has had this shot.
An annual booster is standard and critical.
If your dog will be boarded or going to dog shows, a yearly bordatella booster is highly recommended.
Though the efficacy of this vaccine has not yet been thoroughly proven, many people choose to vaccinate their dog against Lyme Disease, especially if the dog will be exposed to tick-infested areas. Lyme vaccine is given annually.
Heartworm is endemic to most regions of the U.S.A. the adult worms take up residence in the dog’s heart and can clog and weaken it. Prevention is easy. Give your dog a monthly pill. Ask your vet for more details. Preventative health care works!!!

Looking for a puppy? Check our Available Puppies Nursery pages.
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